Friday 25 February 2011

Catch Up...

Hello Folks,

Sorry for the late update but in the words of a very good friend the Dent Household has been like Emergency Ward 10!

Nick's stay in hospital was due to an infection - he is all better now :)

Whilst Nick was in hospital - Oscar took Chicken Pox so we had a very fun week to fill whilst he was off school. He was back at school for 4 days then he took Scarlet Fever - oh what fun that was NOT! 10 days of antibiotics with a medicine he does not like.....bribery was/is being used a lot LOL

Then poor little Isaac within two days of Oscar's illness he took Chicken Pox - really badly he is covered in them....

Me....I am still smiling - Matron Lynn as I have been nicknamed LOL

As soon as everyone is back to 100% we will have some more adventures and update the blog soon xx

Saturday 5 February 2011

Nick in Hospital

Hi Guys,

Just to let you know that i took Nick back into hospital yesterday after a very bad Thursday night with extreamly high temperatures, shakes, vomiting and bad headaches.

They are running test still on him, at 2 am this morning he still had the temperature and at 4.30 they took him down for chest x-rays.

I am sure it is just an infection but it has really taken hold of him and knocked him off of his feet.

I will keep you posted as and when i know more.

Lynn & the Boys x