Sunday 4 December 2011

Early December Update...

Good Afternoon to all our followers,

I have been very slow to update the blog recently as I life has been very very busy.

Firstly, Nick is doing really well it was two years yesterday since he started his first lot of chemo and I do not think either of us can believe it has passed so fastly and we are so thankful now that he is in clinical remission.  Nick still has appointments at the hospital to attend every three months but on the whole life is good and we are very happy; I am a very lucky lady to have such an amazing husband who I love waking up to every day and whatever life throws at us we deal with it head on, sometimes that is the only way to deal with things.

So just what has been keeping me so busy...well that would be our two lovely boys Oscar and Isaac :)

Since we received Oscar's diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder/Condition (ASD/ASC) I have been doing all I can in my power to help him (and us) manage his diagnosis...which for me means lots of meetings, appointments and courses and lots of reading up on ways to help him.

Oscar really struggles with school (he is a very good and pleasing child once there) but just getting him there is a daily battle from the moment I say it's time to put his uniform on! So after lots of meetings at school especially these last two months we are now hoping for some improvements and help for him - watch this space! 

Isaac is totally different and loves pre-school and cannot wait to be in full-time school he cries on a weekend when school is shut so come September 2012 I know that I will have no problems leaving him for the full day :)

Me well I am just me, still smiling, loving being a wife for 18 years and being a mum to the best of my abilities....I would not change a thing. top it all off it's the season to be jolly....and I love Christmas so from us all here we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Merry New Year x