Monday 14 December 2009


Hi everyone,

Since we put the blog up about the NEW TREATMENT - we are still getting asked a few questions about it as it's was a lot to digest. So... hopefully this will explain things a little clearer.

Due to where the tumor is (mm away from the brain) then they are worried that when the chemo kicks in and the tumor shrinks and breaks down then bits might break away and move in to the CNS (central nervous system).

As it stands...
We are hoping that nothing has slipped in to the CNS. If this is the case then the outlook is still good - very good (60% chance of curing it). The uber mega chemicals they will start to pump in to my body on the 21st will prevent any of the tumor going in to the CNS.

Why does there always have to be a but?
On the 21st December they will be taking a sample from my spine fluid - and from that they will be able to tell if any of the tumor is in my CNS. If this is the case then the odds of curing the cancer is reduced to 15% :(
It's at this point when I have to make the decision of whether to continue with the treatment, or stop all treatment and let the cancer run its course!

I hope that explains things a little clearer... feel free to email us if you have any further questions.

OK - that about covers it. Off to get a big breakfast as from 9am I can't eat due to my Liver scan at 11:15am.

Catch up with you later,


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